#WhatsYourSPARK Blog

Starting 2022 with a Word

I lit a candle and cracked the first page of my art journal. Propping my phone upright, I watched a few video tutorials to learn some techniques; exploring mixed media collage, stenciling and gel printmaking. I started with an idea for the theme and pondered how it could be expressed with colours, images and textures.

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2022 Goal Setting: Create Your Team and Set Small Goals

In my last post of 2021 I asked my readers the question: What are some of your “themes” that have emerged this year, and what do they tell you about possible directions for your 2022? In my first post of 2022, I shared an example from my life on how I met a goal I’d set for 2021 - the act of inviting more writing and creativity into my life.

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Writing Your 2022 into Existence

Last January when I restarted this blog, I also signed up to take WRI 418: Screenwriting: What Makes a Good Movie? Writing itself is something that has always come easily to me, and in fact remains the medium through which I am able to best express my thoughts and feelings. Together, blogging and this course gave me the chance to write in two very different styles and with different goals.

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