#WhatsYourSPARK Blog

Navigating Beyond the Crossroads

In last week’s blog story, I wrote about a post-pandemic world full of people who have, are, or may be considering completely rewriting their narrative. I’d also commented that while this rewrite begins with the setting of intention, the next step turns to action. And so, let’s go down this rabbit hole together.

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2022 Goal Setting: Create Your Team and Set Small Goals

In my last post of 2021 I asked my readers the question: What are some of your “themes” that have emerged this year, and what do they tell you about possible directions for your 2022? In my first post of 2022, I shared an example from my life on how I met a goal I’d set for 2021 - the act of inviting more writing and creativity into my life.

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Writing Your 2022 into Existence

Last January when I restarted this blog, I also signed up to take WRI 418: Screenwriting: What Makes a Good Movie? Writing itself is something that has always come easily to me, and in fact remains the medium through which I am able to best express my thoughts and feelings. Together, blogging and this course gave me the chance to write in two very different styles and with different goals.

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