#WhatsYourSPARK Blog

How on Earth didn’t I notice a silent heart attack?

How on Earth didn’t I notice a silent heart attack?

The short answer, which ironically Gareth-esque is my body just compensated and got on with it, until it couldn’t.

The longer answer is that in between whenever my silent heart attack took place and when I went to Emergency, I later learned that some of the symptoms I’d experienced could have been my body’s way of warning me this had happened.

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Gift Yourself the Same Care You Give to Others

Picking up directly from last week’s post, had I not experienced a couple of episodes of feeling crappy the month prior, the appointment with my doctor and the blood test that led to being admitted to hospital wouldn’t have happened. In that scenario, it is very likely I wouldn’t be alive today to write my story.

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At the Heart of the Matter

"Heart Failure." 

As I came to learn, these two words are an umbrella term for many different ailments that impact the heart’s ability to function properly. Now, these words are just as much part of my identity as others that make me, me. 

Hearing those words for the first time took place early in the day on September 8, 2023, after a night in the emergency room.

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Reflection, Rejuvenation, and Reconfiguration

Hello friends. Thank you, Gareth, for always holding such kind and warm spaces for connectivity, reflection, and growth – your SPARKs, my friend, are many and they shine ever bright. I am grateful to have been invited to the conversation, and am excited to share with you, my SPARK.

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